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Class Acme.Conf.Conference


public abstract class Conference
extends Object
A conference.

Conferences are contained in conference groups, and contain topics. Each conference has some descriptive strings, a URL, a list of hosts who are authorized to perform maintenance functions, and an optional list of users authorized to post.

This is an abstract class with separate implementations on the client and server sides, mirrored via RPC.

Fetch the software.
Fetch the entire Acme package.

See Also:
Confgroup, Topic

Constructor Index

 o Conference()

Method Index

 o addConferenceUser(Session, User)
Add a user to the conference's ulist.
 o addHost(Session, User)
Add a host to the conference.
 o addTopic(Session, String, String, String)
Add a new topic, including response zero.
 o getFirstTopicNumber()
The first topic number.
 o getLastTopicNumber()
The last topic number.
 o getLogin()
The login message.
 o getLongDesc()
A paragraph about the conference.
 o getNumTopics()
The number of topics in the conference.
 o getShortDesc()
A one-line description of the conference.
 o getTopic(int)
Get a topic by its topic number in this conference.
 o getUrl()
The conference's url.
 o isHost(User)
Check whether a user is a host of this conference.
 o isMember(User)
Check whether a user is a member of this conference.
 o linkTopic(Session, Topic)
Link in an existing topic.
 o rmConferenceUser(Session, User)
Remove a user from the conference's ulist.
 o rmHost(Session, User)
Remove a host from the conference.
 o rmTopic(Session, int)
Remove a topic from the conference.
 o setLogin(Session, String)
Set the conference's login message.
 o setLongDesc(Session, String)
Set the paragraph about the conference.
 o setPublic(Session, boolean)
Set the public/private status of a conference.
 o setShortDesc(Session, String)
Set the one-line description of the conference.
 o setUrl(Session, String)
Set the conference's URL.


 o Conference
 public Conference()


 o getShortDesc
 public abstract String getShortDesc()
A one-line description of the conference.

 o getLongDesc
 public abstract String getLongDesc()
A paragraph about the conference.

 o getLogin
 public abstract String getLogin()
The login message. Shown upon entering the conference.

 o getUrl
 public abstract String getUrl()
The conference's url.

 o getNumTopics
 public abstract int getNumTopics()
The number of topics in the conference.

 o getFirstTopicNumber
 public abstract int getFirstTopicNumber()
The first topic number.

 o getLastTopicNumber
 public abstract int getLastTopicNumber()
The last topic number.

 o getTopic
 public abstract Topic getTopic(int n)
Get a topic by its topic number in this conference.

 o isHost
 public abstract boolean isHost(User user)
Check whether a user is a host of this conference.

 o isMember
 public abstract boolean isMember(User user)
Check whether a user is a member of this conference. If the conference is public, i.e. it has no ulist, then all users are members.

 o addTopic
 public abstract int addTopic(Session session,
                              String title,
                              String pseud,
                              String text)
Add a new topic, including response zero.

If the conference is empty, then only a host may do this.

 o linkTopic
 public abstract int linkTopic(Session session,
                               Topic topic)
Link in an existing topic.

Only a host may do this.

 o rmTopic
 public abstract void rmTopic(Session session,
                              int topicNumber)
Remove a topic from the conference. It may continue to exist in other conferences.

Only a host may do this; or, the topic creator may do it, if no one else has posted there yet.

 o setShortDesc
 public abstract void setShortDesc(Session session,
                                   String shortDesc)
Set the one-line description of the conference.

Only a host may do this.

 o setLongDesc
 public abstract void setLongDesc(Session session,
                                  String longDesc)
Set the paragraph about the conference.

Only a host may do this.

 o setLogin
 public abstract void setLogin(Session session,
                               String login)
Set the conference's login message.

Only a host may do this.

 o setUrl
 public abstract void setUrl(Session session,
                             String url)
Set the conference's URL.

Only a host may do this.

 o addConferenceUser
 public abstract void addConferenceUser(Session session,
                                        User user)
Add a user to the conference's ulist.

Only a host may do this.

 o rmConferenceUser
 public abstract void rmConferenceUser(Session session,
                                       User user)
Remove a user from the conference's ulist.

Only a host may do this.

 o setPublic
 public abstract void setPublic(Session session,
                                boolean flag)
Set the public/private status of a conference.

Only a manager may do this.

 o addHost
 public abstract void addHost(Session session,
                              User user)
Add a host to the conference.

Only a manager may do this.

 o rmHost
 public abstract void rmHost(Session session,
                             User user)
Remove a host from the conference.

Only a manager may do this.

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