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Interface Acme.HtmlObserver

public interface HtmlObserver
Callback interface for HtmlScanner.

Clients of HtmlScanner implement this in order to get URLs passed back to them.

Fetch the software.
Fetch the entire Acme package.

See Also:

Method Index

 o gotAHREF(String, URL, Object)
This gets called when the scanner finds an <A HREF=""> URL.
 o gotAREAHREF(String, URL, Object)
This gets called when the scanner finds a <AREA HREF=""> URL.
 o gotBASEHREF(String, URL, Object)
This gets called when the scanner finds a <BASE HREF=""> URL.
 o gotBODYBACKGROUND(String, URL, Object)
This gets called when the scanner finds a <BODY BACKGROUND=""> URL.
 o gotFRAMESRC(String, URL, Object)
This gets called when the scanner finds an <FRAME SRC=""> URL.
 o gotIMGSRC(String, URL, Object)
This gets called when the scanner finds an <IMG SRC=""> URL.
 o gotLINKHREF(String, URL, Object)
This gets called when the scanner finds a <LINK HREF=""> URL.


 o gotAHREF
 public abstract void gotAHREF(String urlStr,
                               URL contextUrl,
                               Object clientData)
This gets called when the scanner finds an <A HREF=""> URL.

 o gotIMGSRC
 public abstract void gotIMGSRC(String urlStr,
                                URL contextUrl,
                                Object clientData)
This gets called when the scanner finds an <IMG SRC=""> URL.

 public abstract void gotFRAMESRC(String urlStr,
                                  URL contextUrl,
                                  Object clientData)
This gets called when the scanner finds an <FRAME SRC=""> URL.

 public abstract void gotBASEHREF(String urlStr,
                                  URL contextUrl,
                                  Object clientData)
This gets called when the scanner finds a <BASE HREF=""> URL.

 public abstract void gotAREAHREF(String urlStr,
                                  URL contextUrl,
                                  Object clientData)
This gets called when the scanner finds a <AREA HREF=""> URL.

 public abstract void gotLINKHREF(String urlStr,
                                  URL contextUrl,
                                  Object clientData)
This gets called when the scanner finds a <LINK HREF=""> URL.

 public abstract void gotBODYBACKGROUND(String urlStr,
                                        URL contextUrl,
                                        Object clientData)
This gets called when the scanner finds a <BODY BACKGROUND=""> URL.

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