phoon - show the PHase of the mOON

Fetch the software.

Phoon displays the phase of the moon, either currently or at a specified date / time. Unlike other such programs, which just tell you how long since first quarter or something like that, phoon shows you the phase with a cute little picture. You can vary the size of the picture with the -l flag, but only some sizes have pictures defined - other sizes use @'s.

Sample output (HTMLized via texttohtml):

             .--'  o     . 
          .-'   .    O   . 
       .-'@   @@@@@@@   .  @
      /@@@  @@@@@@@@@@@   @@
    ./    o @@@@@@@@@@@   @@
   /@@  o   @@@@@@@@@@@.   @@
  /@@@@   .   @@@@@@@o    @@@
  |@@@@@               . @@@@
 /@@@@@  O  `.-./  .      @@@	 Full Moon +    
 | @@@@    --`-'       o     	 5 16:22:16
 |@ @@@        `    o      . 	 Last Quarter - 
 |       @@  @         .-.   	 1  0:11:55
 \  . @        @@@     `-'   
  |      @@   @@@@@ .        
  \     @@@@  @\@@    /  .  O
   \  o  @@     \ \  /       
    `\     .    .\.-.___   .
      \           `-'       
       `-.   o   / |     o  
          `-.   /     .    
             `--.       .  

See also: bigcal, globe, xphoon.
ACME Labs / Software / phoon