// Serve - minimal Java HTTP server class // // Copyright (C)1996,1998 by Jef Poskanzer . All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions // are met: // 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the // documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND // ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE // IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE // ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE // FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL // DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS // OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) // HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT // LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY // OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF // SUCH DAMAGE. // // Visit the ACME Labs Java page for up-to-date versions of this and other // fine Java utilities: http://www.acme.com/java/ package Acme.Serve; import java.io.*; import java.util.*; import java.net.*; import java.text.*; import Acme.Serve.servlet.*; import Acme.Serve.servlet.http.*; /// Minimal Java HTTP server class. //

// This class implements a very small embeddable HTTP server. // It runs Servlets compatible with the API used by JavaSoft's // JavaServer server. // It comes with default Servlets which provide the usual // httpd services, returning files and directory listings. //

// This is not in any sense a competitor for JavaServer. // JavaServer is a full-fledged HTTP server and more. // Acme.Serve is tiny, about 1500 lines, and provides only the // functionality necessary to deliver an Applet's .class files // and then start up a Servlet talking to the Applet. // They are both written in Java, they are both web servers, and // they both implement the Servlet API; other than that they couldn't // be more different. //

// This is actually the second HTTP server I've written. // The other one is called // thttpd, // it's written in C, and is also pretty small although much more // featureful than this. //

// Other Java HTTP servers: //


// A June 1997 BYTE magazine article mentioning this server.
// A December 1997 BYTE magazine article giving it an Editor's Choice Award of Distinction.
// Fetch the software.
// Fetch the entire Acme package. //

// @see Acme.Serve.servlet.http.HttpServlet // @see FileServlet // @see CgiServlet public class Serve implements ServletContext { private static final String progName = "Serve"; /// Main routine, if you want to run this directly as an application. public static void main( String[] args ) { // Parse args. int port = 9090; String throttles = null; int argc = args.length; int argn; for ( argn = 0; argn < argc && args[argn].charAt( 0 ) == '-'; ++argn ) { if ( args[argn].equals( "-p" ) && argn + 1 < argc ) { ++argn; port = Integer.parseInt( args[argn] ); } else if ( args[argn].equals( "-t" ) && argn + 1 < argc ) { ++argn; throttles = args[argn]; } else usage(); } if ( argn != argc ) usage(); // Create the server. Serve serve = new Serve( port ); // Any custom Servlets should be added here. serve.addServlet( "/SampleServlet", new Acme.Serve.SampleServlet() ); Servlet ts = new Acme.Serve.TestServlet(); serve.addServlet( "/TestServlet", ts ); serve.addServlet( "/TestServlet/*", ts ); // And add the standard Servlets. if ( throttles == null ) serve.addDefaultServlets( true ); else try { serve.addDefaultServlets( true, throttles ); } catch ( IOException e ) { System.err.println( "Problem reading throttles file: " + e ); System.exit( 1 ); } // And run. serve.serve(); System.exit( 0 ); } private static void usage() { System.err.println( "usage: " + progName + " [-p port]" ); System.exit( 1 ); } private int port; private PrintStream logStream; Acme.WildcardDictionary registry; /// Constructor. public Serve( int port, PrintStream logStream ) { this.port = port; this.logStream = logStream; registry = new Acme.WildcardDictionary(); } /// Constructor, default log stream. public Serve( int port ) { this( port, System.err ); } /// Constructor, default port and log stream. // We don't use 80 as the default port because we don't want to // encourage people to run a Java web server as root because Java // currently has no way of giving up root privs! Instead, the // current default port is 9090. public Serve() { this( 9090, System.err ); } /// Register a Servlet by class name. Registration consists of a URL // pattern, which can contain wildcards, and the class name of the Servlet // to launch when a matching URL comes in. Patterns are checked for // matches in the order they were added, and only the first match is run. public void addServlet( String urlPat, String className ) { // See if we have already instantiated this one. Servlet servlet = (Servlet) servlets.get( className ); if ( servlet != null ) { addServlet( urlPat, servlet ); return; } // Check if we're allowed to make one of these. SecurityManager security = System.getSecurityManager(); if ( security != null ) { int i = className.lastIndexOf( '.' ); if ( i != -1 ) { security.checkPackageAccess( className.substring( 0, i ) ); security.checkPackageDefinition( className.substring( 0, i ) ); } } // Make a new one. try { servlet = (Servlet) Class.forName( className ).newInstance(); addServlet( urlPat, servlet ); return; } catch ( ClassNotFoundException e ) { log( "Class not found: " + className ); } catch ( ClassCastException e ) { log( "Class cast problem: " + e.getMessage() ); } catch ( InstantiationException e ) { log( "Instantiation problem: " + e.getMessage() ); } catch ( IllegalAccessException e ) { log( "Illegal class access: " + e.getMessage() ); } catch ( Exception e ) { log( "Unexpected problem creating servlet: " + e ); } } /// Register a Servlet. Registration consists of a URL pattern, // which can contain wildcards, and the Servlet to // launch when a matching URL comes in. Patterns are checked for // matches in the order they were added, and only the first match is run. public void addServlet( String urlPat, Servlet servlet ) { try { servlet.init( new ServeConfig( (ServletContext) this ) ); registry.put( urlPat, servlet ); servlets.put( servlet.getClass().getName(), servlet ); } catch ( ServletException e ) { log( "Problem initializing servlet: " + e ); } } /// Register a standard set of Servlets. These will return // files or directory listings, and run CGI programs, much like a // standard HTTP server. //

// Because of the pattern checking order, this should be called // after you've added any custom Servlets. //

// The current set of default servlet mappings: //

// @param cgi whether to run CGI programs public void addDefaultServlets( boolean cgi ) { if ( cgi ) addServlet( "*.cgi", new Acme.Serve.CgiServlet() ); addServlet( "*", new Acme.Serve.FileServlet() ); } /// Register a standard set of Servlets, with throttles. // @param cgi whether to run CGI programs // @param throttles filename to read FileServlet throttle settings from public void addDefaultServlets( boolean cgi, String throttles ) throws IOException { if ( cgi ) addServlet( "*.cgi", new Acme.Serve.CgiServlet() ); addServlet( "*", new Acme.Serve.FileServlet( throttles ) ); } /// Run the server. Returns only on errors. public void serve() { ServerSocket serverSocket; try { serverSocket = new ServerSocket( port, 1000 ); } catch ( IOException e ) { log( "Server socket: " + e ); return; } try { while ( true ) { Socket socket = serverSocket.accept(); new ServeConnection( socket, this ); } } catch ( IOException e ) { log( "Accept: " + e ); } finally { try { serverSocket.close(); destroyAllServlets(); } catch ( IOException e ) {} } } // Methods from ServletContext. protected Hashtable servlets = new Hashtable(); /// Gets a servlet by name. // @param name the servlet name // @return null if the servlet does not exist public Servlet getServlet( String name ) { return (Servlet) servlets.get( name ); } /// Enumerates the servlets in this context (server). Only servlets that // are accesible will be returned. This enumeration always includes the // servlet itself. public Enumeration getServlets() { return servlets.elements(); } /// Enumerates the names of the servlets in this context (server). Only // servlets that are accesible will be returned. This enumeration always // includes the servlet itself. public Enumeration getServletNames() { return servlets.keys(); } /// Destroys all currently-loaded servlets. public void destroyAllServlets() { Enumeration en = servlets.elements(); while ( en.hasMoreElements() ) { Servlet servlet = (Servlet) en.nextElement(); servlet.destroy(); } servlets.clear(); } /// Write information to the servlet log. // @param message the message to log public void log( String message ) { Date date = new Date( System.currentTimeMillis() ); logStream.println( "[" + date.toString() + "] " + message ); } /// Write a stack trace to the servlet log. // @param exception where to get the stack trace // @param message the message to log public void log( Exception exception, String message ) { // !!! log( message ); } /// Applies alias rules to the specified virtual path and returns the // corresponding real path. It returns null if the translation // cannot be performed. // @param path the path to be translated public String getRealPath( String path ) { // No mapping. return path; } /// Returns the MIME type of the specified file. // @param file file name whose MIME type is required public String getMimeType( String file ) { int lastDot = file.lastIndexOf( '.' ); int lastSep = file.lastIndexOf( File.separatorChar ); if ( lastDot == -1 || ( lastSep != -1 && lastDot < lastSep ) ) return "text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1"; String extension = file.substring( lastDot + 1 ); if ( extension.equals( "html" ) || extension.equals( "htm" ) ) return "text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"; if ( extension.equals( "gif" ) ) return "image/gif"; if ( extension.equals( "jpg" ) || extension.equals( "jpeg" ) ) return "image/jpeg"; if ( extension.equals( "au" ) ) return "audio/basic"; if ( extension.equals( "ra" ) || extension.equals( "ram" ) ) return "audio/x-pn-realaudio"; if ( extension.equals( "wav" ) ) return "audio/wav"; if ( extension.equals( "mpg" ) || extension.equals( "mpeg" ) ) return "video/mpeg"; if ( extension.equals( "qt" ) || extension.equals( "mov" ) ) return "video/quicktime"; if ( extension.equals( "class" ) ) return "application/octet-stream"; if ( extension.equals( "ps" ) ) return "application/postscript"; if ( extension.equals( "wrl" ) ) return "x-world/x-vrml"; if ( extension.equals( "pac" ) ) return "application/x-ns-proxy-autoconfig"; return "text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1"; } /// Returns the name and version of the web server under which the servlet // is running. // Same as the CGI variable SERVER_SOFTWARE. public String getServerInfo() { return ServeUtils.serverName + " " + ServeUtils.serverVersion + " (" + ServeUtils.serverUrl + ")"; } /// Returns the value of the named attribute of the network service, or // null if the attribute does not exist. This method allows access to // additional information about the service, not already provided by // the other methods in this interface. public Object getAttribute( String name ) { // This server does not support attributes. return null; } } class ServeConfig implements ServletConfig { private ServletContext context; public ServeConfig( ServletContext context ) { this.context = context; } // Methods from ServletConfig. /// Returns the context for the servlet. public ServletContext getServletContext() { return context; } /// Gets an initialization parameter of the servlet. // @param name the parameter name public String getInitParameter( String name ) { // This server doesn't support servlet init params. return null; } /// Gets the names of the initialization parameters of the servlet. // @param name the parameter name public Enumeration getInitParameterNames() { // This server doesn't support servlet init params. return new Vector().elements(); } } class ServeConnection implements Runnable, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse { private Socket socket; private Serve serve; private ServletInputStream in; private ServletOutputStream out; private Vector cookies = new Vector(); // !!! /// Constructor. public ServeConnection( Socket socket, Serve serve ) { // Save arguments. this.socket = socket; this.serve = serve; // Start a separate thread to read and handle the request. Thread thread = new Thread( this ); thread.start(); } // Methods from Runnable. private String reqMethod = null; private String reqUriPath = null; private String reqProtocol = null; private boolean oneOne; // HTTP/1.1 or better private boolean reqMime; String reqQuery = null; private Vector reqHeaderNames = new Vector(); private Vector reqHeaderValues = new Vector(); public void run() { try { // Get the streams. in = new ServeInputStream( socket.getInputStream() ); out = new ServeOutputStream( socket.getOutputStream(), this ); } catch ( IOException e ) { problem( "Getting streams: " + e.getMessage(), SC_BAD_REQUEST ); } parseRequest(); try { socket.close(); } catch ( IOException e ) { /* ignore */ } } private void parseRequest() { byte[] lineBytes = new byte[4096]; int len; String line; try { // Read the first line of the request. len = in.readLine( lineBytes, 0, lineBytes.length ); if ( len == -1 || len == 0 ) { problem( "Empty request", SC_BAD_REQUEST ); return; } line = new String( lineBytes, 0, len ); String[] tokens = Acme.Utils.splitStr( line ); switch ( tokens.length ) { case 2: // Two tokens means the protocol is HTTP/0.9. reqProtocol = "HTTP/0.9"; oneOne = false; reqMime = false; break; case 3: reqProtocol = tokens[2]; oneOne = ! reqProtocol.toUpperCase().equals( "HTTP/1.0" ); reqMime = true; // Read the rest of the lines. while ( true ) { len = in.readLine( lineBytes, 0, lineBytes.length ); if ( len == -1 || len == 0 ) break; line = new String( lineBytes, 0, len ); int colonBlank = line.indexOf( ": " ); if ( colonBlank != -1 ) { String name = line.substring( 0, colonBlank ); String value = line.substring( colonBlank + 2 ); reqHeaderNames.addElement( name.toLowerCase() ); reqHeaderValues.addElement( value ); } } break; default: problem( "Malformed request line", SC_BAD_REQUEST ); return; } reqMethod = tokens[0]; reqUriPath = tokens[1]; // Check Host: header in HTTP/1.1 requests. if ( oneOne ) { String host = getHeader( "host" ); if ( host == null ) { problem( "Host header missing on HTTP/1.1 request", SC_BAD_REQUEST ); return; } // !!! } // Split off query string, if any. int qmark = reqUriPath.indexOf( '?' ); if ( qmark != -1 ) { reqQuery = reqUriPath.substring( qmark + 1 ); reqUriPath = reqUriPath.substring( 0, qmark ); } // Decode %-sequences. reqUriPath = decode( reqUriPath ); Servlet servlet = (Servlet) serve.registry.get( reqUriPath ); if ( servlet != null ) runServlet( (HttpServlet) servlet ); } catch ( IOException e ) { problem( "Reading request: " + e.getMessage(), SC_BAD_REQUEST ); } } private void runServlet( HttpServlet servlet ) { // Set default response fields. setStatus( SC_OK ); setDateHeader( "Date", System.currentTimeMillis() ); setHeader( "Server", ServeUtils.serverName + "/" + ServeUtils.serverVersion ); setHeader( "Connection", "close" ); try { servlet.service( this, this ); } catch ( IOException e ) { problem( "IO problem running servlet: " + e.toString(), SC_BAD_REQUEST ); } catch ( ServletException e ) { problem( "problem running servlet: " + e.toString(), SC_BAD_REQUEST ); } catch ( Exception e ) { problem( "unexpected problem running servlet: " + e.toString(), SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR ); } } private void problem( String logMessage, int resCode ) { serve.log( logMessage ); try { sendError( resCode ); } catch ( IOException e ) { /* ignore */ } } private String decode( String str ) { StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); int l = str.length(); for ( int i = 0; i < l; ++i ) { char c = str.charAt( i ); if ( c == '%' && i + 2 < l ) { char c1 = str.charAt( i + 1 ); char c2 = str.charAt( i + 2 ); if ( isHexit( c1 ) && isHexit( c2 ) ) { result.append( (char) ( hexit( c1 ) * 16 + hexit( c2 ) ) ); i += 2; } else result.append( c ); } else result.append( c ); } return result.toString(); } private boolean isHexit( char c ) { String legalChars = "0123456789abcdefABCDEF"; return ( legalChars.indexOf( c ) != -1 ); } private int hexit( char c ) { if ( c >= '0' && c <= '9' ) return c - '0'; if ( c >= 'a' && c <= 'f' ) return c - 'a' + 10; if ( c >= 'A' && c <= 'F' ) return c - 'A' + 10; return 0; // shouldn't happen, we're guarded by isHexit() } // Methods from ServletRequest. /// Returns the size of the request entity data, or -1 if not known. // Same as the CGI variable CONTENT_LENGTH. public int getContentLength() { return getIntHeader( "content-length", -1 ); } /// Returns the MIME type of the request entity data, or null if // not known. // Same as the CGI variable CONTENT_TYPE. public String getContentType() { return getHeader( "content-type" ); } /// Returns the protocol and version of the request as a string of // the form /.. // Same as the CGI variable SERVER_PROTOCOL. public String getProtocol() { return reqProtocol; } /// Returns the scheme of the URL used in this request, for example // "http", "https", or "ftp". Different schemes have different rules // for constructing URLs, as noted in RFC 1738. The URL used to create // a request may be reconstructed using this scheme, the server name // and port, and additional information such as URIs. public String getScheme() { return "http"; } /// Returns the host name of the server as used in the part of // the request URI. // Same as the CGI variable SERVER_NAME. public String getServerName() { try { return InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName(); } catch ( UnknownHostException e ) { return null; } } /// Returns the port number on which this request was received as used in // the part of the request URI. // Same as the CGI variable SERVER_PORT. public int getServerPort() { return socket.getLocalPort(); } /// Returns the IP address of the agent that sent the request. // Same as the CGI variable REMOTE_ADDR. public String getRemoteAddr() { return socket.getInetAddress().toString(); } /// Returns the fully qualified host name of the agent that sent the // request. // Same as the CGI variable REMOTE_HOST. public String getRemoteHost() { return socket.getInetAddress().getHostName(); } /// Applies alias rules to the specified virtual path and returns the // corresponding real path, or null if the translation can not be // performed for any reason. For example, an HTTP servlet would // resolve the path using the virtual docroot, if virtual hosting is // enabled, and with the default docroot otherwise. Calling this // method with the string "/" as an argument returns the document root. public String getRealPath( String path ) { return serve.getRealPath( path ); } /// Returns an input stream for reading request data. // @exception IllegalStateException if getReader has already been called // @exception IOException on other I/O-related errors public ServletInputStream getInputStream() throws IOException { return in; } /// Returns a buffered reader for reading request data. // @exception UnsupportedEncodingException if the character set encoding isn't supported // @exception IllegalStateException if getInputStream has already been called // @exception IOException on other I/O-related errors public BufferedReader getReader() { // !!! return null; } Vector queryNames = null; Vector queryValues = null; /// Returns the parameter names for this request. public Enumeration getParameterNames() { if ( queryNames == null ) { queryNames = new Vector(); queryValues = new Vector(); String qs = getQueryString(); if ( qs != null ) { Enumeration en = new StringTokenizer( qs, "&" ); while ( en.hasMoreElements() ) { String nv = (String) en.nextElement(); int eq = nv.indexOf( '=' ); String name, value; if ( eq == -1 ) { name = nv; value = ""; } else { name = nv.substring( 0, eq ); value = nv.substring( eq + 1 ); } queryNames.addElement( name ); queryValues.addElement( value ); } } } return queryNames.elements(); } /// Returns the value of the specified query string parameter, or null // if not found. // @param name the parameter name public String getParameter( String name ) { Enumeration en = getParameterNames(); int i = queryNames.indexOf( name ); if ( i == -1 ) return null; else return (String) queryValues.elementAt( i ); } /// Returns the values of the specified parameter for the request as an // array of strings, or null if the named parameter does not exist. public String[] getParameterValues( String name ) { Vector v = new Vector(); Enumeration en = getParameterNames(); for ( int i = 0; i < queryNames.size(); ++i ) { String n = (String) queryNames.elementAt( i ); if ( name.equals( n ) ) v.addElement( queryValues.elementAt( i ) ); } if ( v.size() == 0 ) return null; String[] vArray = new String[v.size()]; v.copyInto( vArray ); return vArray; } /// Returns the value of the named attribute of the request, or null if // the attribute does not exist. This method allows access to request // information not already provided by the other methods in this interface. public Object getAttribute( String name ) { // This server does not implement attributes. return null; } // Methods from HttpServletRequest. /// Gets the array of cookies found in this request. public Cookie[] getCookies() { Cookie[] cookieArray = new Cookie[cookies.size()]; cookies.copyInto( cookieArray ); return cookieArray; } /// Returns the method with which the request was made. This can be "GET", // "HEAD", "POST", or an extension method. // Same as the CGI variable REQUEST_METHOD. public String getMethod() { return reqMethod; } /// Returns the full request URI. public String getRequestURI() { String portPart = ""; int port = getServerPort(); if ( port != 80 ) portPart = ":" + port; String queryPart = ""; String queryString = getQueryString(); if ( queryString != null && queryString.length() > 0 ) queryPart = "?" + queryString; return "http://" + getServerName() + portPart + reqUriPath + queryPart; } /// Returns the part of the request URI that referred to the servlet being // invoked. // Analogous to the CGI variable SCRIPT_NAME. public String getServletPath() { // In this server, the entire path is regexp-matched against the // servlet pattern, so there's no good way to distinguish which // part refers to the servlet. return reqUriPath; } /// Returns optional extra path information following the servlet path, but // immediately preceding the query string. Returns null if not specified. // Same as the CGI variable PATH_INFO. public String getPathInfo() { // In this server, the entire path is regexp-matched against the // servlet pattern, so there's no good way to distinguish which // part refers to the servlet. return null; } /// Returns extra path information translated to a real path. Returns // null if no extra path information was specified. // Same as the CGI variable PATH_TRANSLATED. public String getPathTranslated() { // In this server, the entire path is regexp-matched against the // servlet pattern, so there's no good way to distinguish which // part refers to the servlet. return null; } /// Returns the query string part of the servlet URI, or null if not known. // Same as the CGI variable QUERY_STRING. public String getQueryString() { return reqQuery; } /// Returns the name of the user making this request, or null if not known. // Same as the CGI variable REMOTE_USER. public String getRemoteUser() { // This server does not support authentication, so even if a username // is supplied in the headers we don't want to look at it. return null; } /// Returns the authentication scheme of the request, or null if none. // Same as the CGI variable AUTH_TYPE. public String getAuthType() { // This server does not support authentication. return null; } /// Returns the value of a header field, or null if not known. // Same as the information passed in the CGI variabled HTTP_*. // @param name the header field name public String getHeader( String name ) { int i = reqHeaderNames.indexOf( name.toLowerCase() ); if ( i == -1 ) return null; return (String) reqHeaderValues.elementAt( i ); } /// Returns the value of an integer header field. // @param name the header field name // @param def the integer value to return if header not found or invalid public int getIntHeader( String name, int def ) { String val = getHeader( name ); if ( val == null ) return def; try { return Integer.parseInt( val ); } catch ( Exception e ) { return def; } } /// Returns the value of a long header field. // @param name the header field name // @param def the long value to return if header not found or invalid public long getLongHeader( String name, long def ) { String val = getHeader( name ); if ( val == null ) return def; try { return Long.parseLong( val ); } catch ( Exception e ) { return def; } } /// Returns the value of a date header field. // @param name the header field name // @param def the date value to return if header not found or invalid public long getDateHeader( String name, long def ) { String val = getHeader( name ); if ( val == null ) return def; try { return DateFormat.getDateInstance().parse( val ).getTime(); } catch ( Exception e ) { return def; } } /// Returns an Enumeration of the header names. public Enumeration getHeaderNames() { return reqHeaderNames.elements(); } // Session stuff. Not implemented, but the API is here for compatibility. /// Gets the current valid session associated with this request, if // create is false or, if necessary, creates a new session for the // request, if create is true. //

// Note: to ensure the session is properly maintained, the servlet // developer must call this method (at least once) before any output // is written to the response. //

// Additionally, application-writers need to be aware that newly // created sessions (that is, sessions for which HttpSession.isNew // returns true) do not have any application-specific state. public HttpSession getSession( boolean create ) { return null; } /// Gets the session id specified with this request. This may differ // from the actual session id. For example, if the request specified // an id for an invalid session, then this will get a new session with // a new id. public String getRequestedSessionId() { return null; } /// Checks whether this request is associated with a session that is // valid in the current session context. If it is not valid, the // requested session will never be returned from the getSession // method. public boolean isRequestedSessionIdValid() { return false; } /// Checks whether the session id specified by this request came in as // a cookie. (The requested session may not be one returned by the // getSession method.) public boolean isRequestedSessionIdFromCookie() { return false; } /// Checks whether the session id specified by this request came in as // part of the URL. (The requested session may not be the one returned // by the getSession method.) public boolean isRequestedSessionIdFromUrl() { return false; } // Methods from ServletResponse. /// Sets the content length for this response. // @param length the content length public void setContentLength( int length ) { setIntHeader( "Content-Length", length ); } /// Sets the content type for this response. // @param type the content type public void setContentType( String type ) { setHeader( "Content-Type", type ); } /// Returns an output stream for writing response data. public ServletOutputStream getOutputStream() { return out; } /// Returns a print writer for writing response data. The MIME type of // the response will be modified, if necessary, to reflect the character // encoding used, through the charset=... property. This means that the // content type must be set before calling this method. // @exception UnsupportedEncodingException if no such encoding can be provided // @exception IllegalStateException if getOutputStream has been called // @exception IOException on other I/O errors public PrintWriter getWriter() throws IOException { // !!! return null; } /// Returns the character set encoding used for this MIME body. The // character encoding is either the one specified in the assigned // content type, or one which the client understands. If no content // type has yet been assigned, it is implicitly set to text/plain. public String getCharacterEncoding() { // !!! return null; } // Methods from HttpServletResponse. /// Adds the specified cookie to the response. It can be called // multiple times to set more than one cookie. public void addCookie( Cookie cookie ) { cookies.addElement( cookie ); } /// Checks whether the response message header has a field with the // specified name. public boolean containsHeader( String name ) { return resHeaderNames.contains( name ); } private int resCode = -1; private String resMessage = null; private Vector resHeaderNames = new Vector(); private Vector resHeaderValues = new Vector(); /// Sets the status code and message for this response. // @param resCode the status code // @param resMessage the status message public void setStatus( int resCode, String resMessage ) { this.resCode = resCode; this.resMessage = resMessage; } /// Sets the status code and a default message for this response. // @param resCode the status code public void setStatus( int resCode ) { switch ( resCode ) { case SC_CONTINUE: setStatus( resCode, "Continue" ); break; case SC_SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS: setStatus( resCode, "Switching protocols" ); break; case SC_OK: setStatus( resCode, "Ok" ); break; case SC_CREATED: setStatus( resCode, "Created" ); break; case SC_ACCEPTED: setStatus( resCode, "Accepted" ); break; case SC_NON_AUTHORITATIVE_INFORMATION: setStatus( resCode, "Non-authoritative" ); break; case SC_NO_CONTENT: setStatus( resCode, "No content" ); break; case SC_RESET_CONTENT: setStatus( resCode, "Reset content" ); break; case SC_PARTIAL_CONTENT: setStatus( resCode, "Partial content" ); break; case SC_MULTIPLE_CHOICES: setStatus( resCode, "Multiple choices" ); break; case SC_MOVED_PERMANENTLY: setStatus( resCode, "Moved permanentently" ); break; case SC_MOVED_TEMPORARILY: setStatus( resCode, "Moved temporarily" ); break; case SC_SEE_OTHER: setStatus( resCode, "See other" ); break; case SC_NOT_MODIFIED: setStatus( resCode, "Not modified" ); break; case SC_USE_PROXY: setStatus( resCode, "Use proxy" ); break; case SC_BAD_REQUEST: setStatus( resCode, "Bad request" ); break; case SC_UNAUTHORIZED: setStatus( resCode, "Unauthorized" ); break; case SC_PAYMENT_REQUIRED: setStatus( resCode, "Payment required" ); break; case SC_FORBIDDEN: setStatus( resCode, "Forbidden" ); break; case SC_NOT_FOUND: setStatus( resCode, "Not found" ); break; case SC_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED: setStatus( resCode, "Method not allowed" ); break; case SC_NOT_ACCEPTABLE: setStatus( resCode, "Not acceptable" ); break; case SC_PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED: setStatus( resCode, "Proxy auth required" ); break; case SC_REQUEST_TIMEOUT: setStatus( resCode, "Request timeout" ); break; case SC_CONFLICT: setStatus( resCode, "Conflict" ); break; case SC_GONE: setStatus( resCode, "Gone" ); break; case SC_LENGTH_REQUIRED: setStatus( resCode, "Length required" ); break; case SC_PRECONDITION_FAILED: setStatus( resCode, "Precondition failed" ); break; case SC_REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE: setStatus( resCode, "Request entity too large" ); break; case SC_REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG: setStatus( resCode, "Request URI too large" ); break; case SC_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE: setStatus( resCode, "Unsupported media type" ); break; case SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR: setStatus( resCode, "Internal server error" ); break; case SC_NOT_IMPLEMENTED: setStatus( resCode, "Not implemented" ); break; case SC_BAD_GATEWAY: setStatus( resCode, "Bad gateway" ); break; case SC_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE: setStatus( resCode, "Service unavailable" ); break; case SC_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT: setStatus( resCode, "Gateway timeout" ); break; case SC_HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED: setStatus( resCode, "HTTP version not supported" ); break; default: setStatus( resCode, "" ); break; } } /// Sets the value of a header field. // @param name the header field name // @param value the header field value public void setHeader( String name, String value ) { resHeaderNames.addElement( name ); resHeaderValues.addElement( value ); } /// Sets the value of an integer header field. // @param name the header field name // @param value the header field integer value public void setIntHeader( String name, int value ) { setHeader( name, Integer.toString( value ) ); } /// Sets the value of a long header field. // @param name the header field name // @param value the header field long value public void setLongHeader( String name, long value ) { setHeader( name, Long.toString( value ) ); } /// Sets the value of a date header field. // @param name the header field name // @param value the header field date value public void setDateHeader( String name, long value ) { setHeader( name, to1123String( new Date( value ) ) ); } private static final String[] weekdays = { "Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat" }; /// Converts a Date into an RFC-1123 string. private static String to1123String( Date date ) { // We have to go through some machinations here to get the // correct day of the week in GMT. getDay() gives the day in // local time. getDate() gives the day of the month in local // time. toGMTString() gives a formatted string in GMT. So, we // extract the day of the month from the GMT string, and if it // doesn't match the local one we change the local day of the // week accordingly. // // The Date class sucks. int localDay = date.getDay(); int localDate = date.getDate(); String gmtStr = date.toGMTString(); int blank = gmtStr.indexOf( ' ' ); int gmtDate = Integer.parseInt( gmtStr.substring( 0, blank ) ); int gmtDay; if ( gmtDate > localDate || ( gmtDate < localDate && gmtDate == 1 ) ) gmtDay = ( localDay + 1 ) % 7; else if ( localDate > gmtDate || ( localDate < gmtDate && localDate == 1 ) ) gmtDay = ( localDay + 6 ) % 7; else gmtDay = localDay; return weekdays[gmtDay] + ( gmtDate < 10 ? ", 0" : ", " ) + gmtStr; } private boolean headersWritten = false; /// Writes the status line and message headers for this response to the // output stream. // @exception IOException if an I/O error has occurred void writeHeaders() throws IOException { if ( headersWritten ) return; headersWritten = true; if ( reqMime ) { out.println( reqProtocol + " " + resCode + " " + resMessage ); for ( int i = 0; i < resHeaderNames.size(); ++i ) { String name = (String) resHeaderNames.elementAt( i ); String value = (String) resHeaderValues.elementAt( i ); if ( value != null ) // just in case out.println( name + ": " + value ); } out.println( "" ); out.flush(); } } /// Writes an error response using the specified status code and message. // @param resCode the status code // @param resMessage the status message // @exception IOException if an I/O error has occurred public void sendError( int resCode, String resMessage ) throws IOException { setStatus( resCode, resMessage ); realSendError(); } /// Writes an error response using the specified status code and a default // message. // @param resCode the status code // @exception IOException if an I/O error has occurred public void sendError( int resCode ) throws IOException { setStatus( resCode ); realSendError(); } private void realSendError() throws IOException { setContentType( "text/html" ); out.println( "" ); out.println( "" + resCode + " " + resMessage + "" ); out.println( "" ); out.println( "

" + resCode + " " + resMessage + "

" ); String ua = getHeader( "user-agent" ); if ( ua != null && Acme.Utils.match( "*MSIE*", ua ) ) { out.println( "" ); } out.println( "
" ); ServeUtils.writeAddress( out ); out.println( "" ); out.flush(); } /// Sends a redirect message to the client using the specified redirect // location URL. // @param location the redirect location URL // @exception IOException if an I/O error has occurred public void sendRedirect( String location ) throws IOException { setHeader( "Location", location ); sendError( SC_MOVED_TEMPORARILY ); } // URL session-encoding stuff. Not implemented, but the API is here // for compatibility. /// Encodes the specified URL by including the session ID in it, or, if // encoding is not needed, returns the URL unchanged. The // implementation of this method should include the logic to determine // whether the session ID needs to be encoded in the URL. For example, // if the browser supports cookies, or session tracking is turned off, // URL encoding is unnecessary. //

// All URLs emitted by a Servlet should be run through this method. // Otherwise, URL rewriting cannot be used with browsers which do not // support cookies. public String encodeUrl( String url ) { return url; } /// Encodes the specified URL for use in the sendRedirect method or, if // encoding is not needed, returns the URL unchanged. The // implementation of this method should include the logic to determine // whether the session ID needs to be encoded in the URL. Because the // rules for making this determination differ from those used to // decide whether to encode a normal link, this method is seperate // from the encodeUrl method. //

// All URLs sent to the HttpServletResponse.sendRedirect method should be // run through this method. Otherwise, URL rewriting cannot be used with // browsers which do not support cookies. public String encodeRedirectUrl( String url ) { return url; } } class ServeInputStream extends ServletInputStream { private InputStream in; public ServeInputStream( InputStream in ) { this.in = in; } public int readLine( byte[] b, int off, int len ) throws IOException { int off2 = off; while ( off2 - off < len ) { int r = read(); if ( r == -1 ) { if (off2 == off ) return -1; break; } if ( r == 13 ) continue; if ( r == 10 ) break; b[off2] = (byte) r; ++off2; } return off2 - off; } public int read() throws IOException { return in.read(); } public int read( byte[] b, int off, int len ) throws IOException { return in.read( b, off, len ); } public int available() throws IOException { return in.available(); } public void close() throws IOException { in.close(); } } class ServeOutputStream extends ServletOutputStream { private PrintStream out; private ServeConnection conn; public ServeOutputStream( OutputStream out, ServeConnection conn ) { this.out = new PrintStream( out ); this.conn = conn; } public void write( int b ) throws IOException { conn.writeHeaders(); out.write( b ); } public void write( byte[] b, int off, int len ) throws IOException { conn.writeHeaders(); out.write( b, off, len ); } public void flush() throws IOException { conn.writeHeaders(); out.flush(); } public void close() throws IOException { conn.writeHeaders(); out.close(); } public void print( String s ) throws IOException { conn.writeHeaders(); out.print( s ); } public void print( int i ) throws IOException { conn.writeHeaders(); out.print( i ); } public void print( long l ) throws IOException { conn.writeHeaders(); out.print( l ); } public void println( String s ) throws IOException { conn.writeHeaders(); out.println( s ); } public void println( int i ) throws IOException { conn.writeHeaders(); out.println( i ); } public void println( long l ) throws IOException { conn.writeHeaders(); out.println( l ); } public void println() throws IOException { conn.writeHeaders(); out.println(); } }